Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An understatement

     What is the meaning of this ? I constantly feel so depressed, sustained. Lately, I can't get a hold of myself, my emotions are gaining control over me. To think that life would be any better. I want to understand why this is happening to me, but I know the partial answer to that.

     Even as I write this, I think about the days when I was happy to be alive, but then, reality hits, forcing me to face hardship on a daily basis.

"My emotions I contrast to stormy seas,
My anger fumes clouds of darkness, glee,
Joy so sparse, so dreaded are my days,
For as long he lives, I shall suffer my fate"
     At times like this, I wish there was someone beside me, supporting me in every way. I want my life to be useful to the world, atleast someone. Being alone all these years, I don't want to be anymore.


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